Saturday, December 21, 2013

The view from here...

My online friends are often subjected to rather gritty pictures of the view from my window. Though shot without talent or care, they please me. They feel iconic. Much of my life is the view from that window. I'm often unwell (She's "unwell" the manse hen. "What else is new?") and so I see the seasons come and go, the parishioners come and go, the neighbors (all together now)-come and go from that window.

When we first moved to "The Manse" we had a Beta Fish (RIP Augustine) who lived (and died) upon our coffee table. His abode was a columnar glass container with a small pagoda and colored glass on the bottom. The living room at that time, was carpeted with a color that in its heyday would have been spot on, but was after a few decades, decidedly not. It was probably the worst color upon which to place my aubergine sofa. It was a deep plush forest green. It struck me as wonderful to get Auggie some deep forest green rocks to see how long it would take someone to catch the implication that we, like Auggie, lived in a fishbowl. I never did get around to it and he passed on over lovely opalescent jade green stones. We haven't replaced him because he was just to much work. I remind myself this every time I think what I "really need" is a dog.

Are you dear reader, a sister Manse Hen? If so I'd love to hear from you. Are you a sister of that heavenly manse for which we all long? Please, come away in.

I wish I could say I was going to be writing something profound, pithy, erudite and most importantly encouraging. I don't have an agenda for this blog. People seem encouraged by my openness in the "oh she's a fool for Christ alright" kinda way, maybe you will be to? Drop by, ask questions, make suggestions, share your own tales, pull up a chair and have a cuppa, sit by your own fishbowl window and know you are not alone in this calling to be the lady of the manse, the fish in residence, the helper to the man with the proverbial or literal collar.  TTFN, The Manse Hen.

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